Wednesday, June 01, 2011

5/30 Helen Caldicott Video Discussion Part 2

Hello Helen Caldicott fans.

Videos of Helen Caldicott were posted on TRL facebook community page for a number of times (yes, exactly the same video). Here's a compilation of discussion on her claims--this is the May 30 version. Click HERE for Part 1. Looking for how the TRL community responded on her New York Times opinion article? Click HERE.

Hope you find them helpful--well, at least, able to zip your mouth on TRL page.
Alright, here is part 2.

Darius Smith
This women is highly regarded as the best in her field watch this ....
Nuclear Facts you'd be more comfortable not knowing from a very clued up professional who will not be bought or intimidated into silence: Dr Helen Caldicott...

Monty Hi Darius, No disrespect intended but this is six weeks old and I think many of us here are looking for up-to-date information.

Donna Way to go! Yay to mankind. Idiots just freakin' killed us all!! Now, to just wait for the worst suffering ever. At least she's being HONEST with us! How sad. :(

Jill I don't know if she's being honest with us, but for the many times someone has posted this here, each time we've really, really um... ragged on it.

Daniel I stumbled upon her facebook page the other day. It explained a lot.

James also favorite quote from her video "DONT eat European food!"

Jill See? We're ragging!

Jon Can she back up the 1 million deaths from Chernobyl statement?

Antonio Dr Helen Caldicott doesn't seem to be very good when it comes to providing evidence of what she says, according to this guy: I don't support his pro-nuclear stance, but the article and the supporting correspondence between them make for a mildly amusing read.

Patrick meant to write has not been disputed ( in my editing admitted stuck there ) by the other side. They just dispute the cause.

Tokyo Radiation Levels Patrick: I believe the criticism of the book you're referring to (which is actually a collection of papers by Yablokov and others translated from Russian) is that they assume all the deaths from some particular cancers and diseases are all a result of Chernobyl. I wouldn't call it a fact that a million deaths are attributed to that. Especially since there was a massive effort in monitoring at risk populations for cancer.

Once again you contradict yourself. "The only real quickie fact seems to be that after Chernobyl there were additional million deaths that statistically should not have been there".

Patrick It's not a contradiction. There are million additional deaths ( even Monbiot did not dispute that ), but we do not know whether they were all, or how many, caused by Chernobyl. By the way, I never contradict myself :-). So: million additional deaths = fact. Cause of those deaths is open to interpretation.

Tokyo Radiation Levels There are not a million additional deaths. The researches of the paper are criticized for over attributing deaths to Chernobyl. If 100 people died in their bed last year and I put out a paper saying 100 people died in bed as a result of Chernobyl, I'm not saying that 200 people died.

@Patrick: "Increased deaths from a wide range of diseases – including many which have no known association with radiation" does not mean 985000 additional deaths. This is the article you're referring to, I take it:

Ken Wow, she said don't eat European food!

Philip I have seen her before - full of inaccuracies and scare mongering. But let's look first at the (disputed) one million number: That works out to 40,000 / year over the past 25 years since Chernobyl, which is about a third higher than the annual death toll on US roads. Maybe we should shut down the US road system too. Chernobyl and Fukushima have added another carcinogen to the environment, along with the tons of chemicals, exhaust fumes, coal trailings, medical radiation. Her approach to exposing the dangers of nuclear power is not nearly as effective as it would be if she were reasoned and proportionate.

Me She said, "Don't eat European food." Now she's saying, "Dont' eat Japanese food?" Then maybe she'll start saying, "Don't eat Asian food." After all that, what's left is some bits of normal food from the rest of the world with growing number of genetically modified crops and food grown with a lot of fertilizers and insecticide. She's a doctor, what will she say on that? (Being sarcastic)

Jill Do not eat or drink ANYTHING, it will kill you! *wink*

David ‎"Don't eat European food" means she has hopelessly lost the plot... which is a real shame because what it serves to do is discredit some very interesting, and probably valid, scientific research which suggests that the environmental and medical cost of Chernobyl was and remains a great deal worse than official stats and which if it weren't for her BS might be gaining more traction and making the anti-nuclear case more bullet proofフォームの終わり

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