Thursday, June 02, 2011

5/30 Discussion on linked blog from 放射能から子ども達を守る情報交換

On May 30, a Japanese mother in Tokyo posted a link to some blog and asked to comment on it.  Discussion went off-course.  This post isn't as interesting as others, particulary Mr. Sanns's notes.  I won't recommend it to a lot of readers but might be worth if you're bored.  Why?  Patrick, the new idol of TRL communitiy page, joined the crowd.

I responded bluntly to this post on facebook but decided to take a look at the chart on the linked blog upon posting. The blog itself isn't bad--got some facts and I can see the writer has done some reasearch, good or bad.  Being lazy to check all those facts, I decided to focus on the numbers.

A quick Google search told me that 1 Bq ≅ 2.70×10−11 Ci, according to Wikipedia.
1km = 1000m, therefore 1m= 1/106 of 1km2.

Using the numbers on the top row, the writer mention 952Bq of Caesium-137 was detected per kg of soil at a place in Chiyoda ward of Tokyo. S/he multiplied 952 by 65, saying the NSC mentioned convert Bq/kg to Bq/m2. That will be:

So the numbers are correct.

I randomly clicked on the souce which the writer blogged "multiply by 65" and the linked article written by Ryuichi Kino, a Japanese freelance journalist, popped up on my computer screen:

Whoa, for real? To the 65th power?
What happens is this:
(95265Bq/m2)(2.70×10−11Ci/Bq)(106km2/1m2)=too big to show up on my TI-83.

Well, here it is--after Japanese post right below.

放射能から子ども達を守る情報交換 ('Exchanging Information to Protect Children from Radiation')
HI TRL ! Im akiko katsuo
could you please, give me lecture this date analysis. I cant read this date my brain isnt scientific .. Is this danger ?
Summary of Detected Radioactive Materials on Soil: A Call for Physical Examination on Internal Exposure in Wide Area

James Those readings are over 6 weeks old

放射能から子ども達を守る情報交換 thanks a lot . i will search . this network is excellent !

Reisel Mary Yes James but the analysis is from May 15th and it's not a very reassuring one, not for Tokyo and much less for people around the 30km evacuation zone.

Emiko Just wondering if these reading are 6mths old or not? Have they gone down a lot in the past 6weeks?? Hope so.....?

Emiko I meant say if it matters that the reading are 6monhts old or not...

‎@Reisel the data in the graph shown is old. And when you click the link to his "source" its a keitai pic of that infamous Asahi Shinbun chart from mid April. This blog is presenting its case from a severely skewed anti-nuclear stance. There is also the usual cast of characters included from Caldicott and Busby.
I couldn't waste my time on even going over the numbers,
I only had to look a few posts back to see this informative post <<Wind Power Can Supply Energy Equivalent to 950 Nuclear Reactors in Japan>> 'nuff said.

Tokyo Radiation Levels
Busby is not reasonable. He's saying that the explosions that occurred at Fukushima were not hydrogen explosions but nuclear explosions. I've not seen measurements in Tokyo on the order of contamination of the Chernobyl exclusion zone. A lot of "experts" are pointing out that some measurements in Tokyo are above measurements in the Chernobyl exclusion zone. Well first they compared levels in Kanamachi area (east Tokyo) in April to levels measured in Chernobyl recently (25 years after the Chernobyl accident). Tokyo is orders of magnitude below what the Chernobyl exclusion zone was months after the accident.

Patrick Numbers don't lie . I said I was hoping NOT the exclusion zone. They refer to it as 3rd contamination zone, so it's probably not the exclusion zone ( I'm pretty sure ) . Somebody may look it up and see how far that is from Chernobyl plant, but numbers are 37000Bq/m2 and Tokyo numbers are 32000Bq/m2. Same thing
Oh, yes. We don't know what that explosion was. All we know is that TEPCO/government lied about it and waited 2 months to tell us that HUGE amount of radiation was released on that day. So, I'm not saying Busby is right, but I don't wanna say he was wrong either ( nobody here can say for sure ).

Jill Er, we knew in that first week that HUGE amounts of radiation was released on that day. And some people said "It looks like there was a meltdown." And then certain newsies said "There was a meltdown! YOU'RE ALL GOING TO DIE YOU HAVE TO LEAVE JAPAN!" And the plume of radioactivity swivelled out over the ocean towards the U.S. where people started buying up all the Potassium Iodide gibbering, "We're gonna get radiation poisoning!"

Antonio ‎@ Patrick. This map shows the contamination in Europe after Chernobyl and compares it with a map of japan at the same scale:

Patrick No, you did not know just how HUGE it really was until 2 months later. I'm only using official measurements and not "we are all going to die" blogs.

Patrick According to that map one part of Tokyo falls under the upper part of the orange contamination and close to the first red. No, that does not make me happy.

Antonio ‎@ Patrick. Tokyo falls under the orange contamination area of Chernobyl on that map?

Jill The Fukushima plant is not the Chernobyl plant.

Patrick Orange area is 10 - 40 KBq/m2 ( Chernobyl map ) They found 32KBq/m2 in one part of Tokyo, so yes that part would fall into the orange, almost red.

Daniel That sample from Kameido doesn't quite fit into the "3rd zone" (which is actually the 4th zone.) The zone covered 37-185 kBq/m2

Patrick Too close for comfort then?????

‎@ Patrick. They didn't find 32 KBq/m2, they found 1600 Bq/Kq on one soil sample, which was later extrapolated to surface contamination by the blogger. Again, reading the disclaimer is important: "Please note that methods of soil researches here are not unified, and this would result in various detected numbers. For example, results change with conditions of soils and depth of soil location. So PLEASE do not judge based on this graph if where you are is safe or not."

Patrick Well, that is the problem, isn't it? I've mentioned this before. Somebody takes a measurement, throws out a number and doesn't explain anything about it. From Asahi ( original source ), I believe it was 3200Bq/Kg. What the f*&# does that mean. You can dig up 1 Kg of dirt within one meter area, but you could also just take a thin top soil layer and would take you 1km2 to collect 1Kg.

Daniel It's scaremongering 101.

Jill Patrick is an advanced student.

Tokyo Radiation Levels
From what I can tell the data that this guy uses is from this article in the Asahi Shimbun (
This is about measured fallout in the soil back in April. We've had significant rain since the measurement period. These levels are unlikely to be still relevant. I'm going to extrapolate that a lot of this contamination in the soil has been washed away. We know that drains have higher radiation because they concentrate the runoff dirt from a larger area, and recently it was reported the sewage had high concentrations of radioactive contaminants. Therefore a lot of it has washed a way.

I'm been looking for soil measurement data since I got up this morning but no luck, so I can't find any hard facts to back this up (yet), but I think it's a reasonable assumption.
Patrick: I think you'll find that it's pretty certain it was a hydrogen explosion since they were worried about it at the beginning. The water reacts with zirconium cladding of the fuel at hight temperatures and catalyses the breakup of wat...See more

Akiko Katsuo Chinese medicine ..I dont like pickled dish, but for my baby !
Akiko Katsuo I will use my chinese network . thanks
Akiko Katsuo yellow rice wine:紹興酒  
Akiko Katsuo radiation detox page: these days my concern about radiation detox !!

Tokyo Radiation Levels There is no real radiation detox. Any product claiming that it removes radiation is a scam. I've seen a lot of mention of Borax (Boron) being sold as a product to remove radiation from the body. I'm sure this is from the misunderstanding of how boron is used as a neutron poison and radiation shield.

Antonio ‎"To prevent infections caused by nuclear radiation, chew 10 grains of soybean, one time in the morning and one in the evening. When you take the Prescription of Soybean you should be fasting in strict accordance with “Cryptic Key of Fasting”." Is this a joke?

Akiko Katsuo oh my god

Tokyo Radiation Levels Prevention is the idea here, not cure.
Patrick: Asahi didn't report or find 3200Bq/m2, they found 1600 Bq/Kq as Antonio already said. I really recommend that you slow down on the quick fire responses and spend some time on your responses, because twice in this thread you've made the same mistake, and you've contradicted yourself.

[Later] I misunderstood your reply. What I meant to say though was 3,201 Bq/kg is what they found, not 32,000 Bq/m2 (1600 Bq/kg). However yet again you've come out with unsupported crap in your replies. "The government purposefully doesn't explain anything"?? Purposefully? It was true that back in March and April they were poorly organised and didn't provide useful information. But since May helpful info has been coming out like food contamination levels reports and wide sorts of testing. Stop passing your opinions off as fact.

‎@ TRL. Actually, I may have made a mistake before. According to the article in Asahi, Prof. Yamazaki found (in April 16th) 3200 Bq/kg of radiactive cesium (Both 134 & 137) in one of the four soil samples from Tokyo. That's the only hard data we have about Tokyo on that chart. Based on that, this is what the blogger did: a) assume that half of the radioactive cesium was cesium 137 (1600 Bq/Kq) b) extrapolate from those soil samples a possible surface contamination (without any data about how the samples were obtained)

Tokyo Radiation Levels I explained my understanding of the facts above, and how they are not relevant now. You refer to organisations and quote different people but you almost never provide a link to back up your facts. How do we know you're not passing off opinion as fact?
Romain: I didn't know pectin could do that for caesium. Some chemicals can bond, react or assist with the removal of particular radionuclides from your body. Iodine-131 can't be removed but it's absorption can be prevented/restricted. However anything blanket claiming to remove radiation from your body is obviously fake and preying on peoples' fears.
Apparently red wine though can help reduce the damage from radiation exposure. It correlates with cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy. People who apparently drink red wine after treatment show less of the effects of radiation. It could just be the the wine is making people relaxed or calm, but it's got the attention of researchers and it's being taken seriously.

Patrick  what do you mean. You linked to the exact same Asahi article I linked. And the blog we are discussing + that Chernobyl map were provided by others ( the numbers and organisations I mantion are all in that blog / link at the top of this discussion ). I was simply commenting on those. I don't link to any other sources because I stick only to what's official or at least seems reasonable. Anyway we both linked the same Asahi image and other numbers/organizations are in the blog we are discussing, it's all there.

Jill I'm not sure we've helped Akiko Katsuo, here.

Moi Well, we're all alive after all.

Jill Hey, speak for yourself! I'm the undead!フォームの終わり

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